Announcing Our Advocacy and Policy Research Survey


As I reflect on yesterday’s holiday, celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. King, his most iconic speeches and imagery play as a montage in my mind. The cadence of his voice and the power of his words are unshakeable from my psyche. But what I have grown to understand and respect more deeply throughout my career is his less talked about policy agenda. 

Dr. King's dream went far beyond the poetry of his speech at the historic March on Washington. His policy agenda would fuel movements across the country that shifted how education, housing, and employment practices were carried out, particularly for the Black community, which created a ripple of progress for all at the intersections of identity. And this work is far from done.

As artists and arts administrators of the global majority, we are often left out of key policy conversations and considerations. AAC is a product of that reality. That's why I am so thrilled to share that we are officially embarking on a study focused on the advocacy and policy needs of our community. But we need your help. 

We have opened the first of two surveys to our AAC community that will capture our collective needs. This will not only be useful for the arts sector as a whole, but it will also serve as the foundation of the Arts Administrators of Color Network's official policy agenda. 

This survey will take less than 10 minutes and ask questions about your professional status, policy issues, and demographic profile. You will remain completely anonymous. The survey is open now and will close on Friday, January 26, 2024.

Make your voice heard in this powerful work!


Karla Estela Rivera


Announcing Our Research Study Advisory Council


A Message from AAC Co-Founders: Quanice Floyd and Ariel Shelton